The annual RFH Community Project this year found our staff on Seedleaf’s newly acquired 30-acre farm in Fayette county. “Seedleaf is a community gardening organization that provides horticultural training and supports the practice of gardening and small-scale farming in the urban spaces of Lexington, Kentucky” and whose mission is to “nourish communities through growing and sharing food.” (
H.P. Lovelace, the farm manager, had quite a few projects in store for us such as weeding garden beds, watering seedlings in the greenhouse, marking tools for quick identification, digging a fire pit, filling in holes and divots, seeding, scything, pulling flags from the orchard and locating rock from in and around the creek to surround the fire pit. In addition to our tasks, H.P. gave us a tour of the farm and explained a lot about their farming methods, who is using the property and how, and introduced us to some of the foods being grown on site.
RFH appreciates the opportunity to serve the community with our time at Seedleaf. If you would like to learn more about Seedleaf and/or are interested in volunteering, then click here.